Saturday, November 16, 2013

Rajbari Travel Tour

Rajbari District with an area of ​​1118.8 km ², is bounded by the Pabna district in the north, Faridpur and Magura districts in the south, Manikganj district on the east, and the districts of Kushtia in western JhenaidahUpazila important places: There are four upazila in Rajbari. The Rajbari Sadar upazilas are Pangsha, Baliakandi and Goalandaghat. Postal Code - 7700 .

Statistics: Population 940 360 male and female 51.02% 48.98% 86.73% Muslim, Hindu 13.12% and 0.15% Christian and tribal. Average literacy 26.4%

 Historical Places: We are looking for the most important historical sights of Rajbari. Please help add some information.

College School: Mir Mosharraf HOSSAIN COLLEGE Sonapur, BAHARPUR college, MACH PARA, DR. KAZI Motaher Hossian collage, Bangabandhu COLLEGE, GOVT. Adarsha Mohiła university GOVERNMENT Rajbari etc are famous educational institution in Rajbari.

Agricultural : Contribution: main crops rice, jute, sugarcane, turmeric, groundnuts, oilseeds, pulses

Fruit: Main fruits Mango, blackberry, jackfruit, coconut, palm, litchi

Hotel Motel:
There are many residential hotel in Rajbari Rajbari.People from outside come to visit if they can use to live .... this hostel

Some Photo Graphy



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